
Common Features and Applications of Carbon Dioxide CO2 Incubator

Common Features and Applications of Carbon Dioxide CO2 Incubator

Many kinds of scientific equipment are used in different scientific labs these days. With the evolution of technology, biological and biochemical labs have started to expand their horizons. They are undertaking many new kinds of scientific and biological experiments these days. Many of these experiments have been made possible by the development of CO2 Incubators. Common experiments and lab procedures you can undertake using these incubators include:Co2-Incubator

  1. These devices can be used for undertaking stem cell culture development and its applications in medical science.
  2. Incubators can be employed in cell culture work including pathological and medical tests as well as to find presence and absence of any bacteria.
  3. CO2 incubators can be used in genetics labs where experts are involved in genomic and proteomic expression and study of different proteins and their impact and interaction with botanical or zoological organisms.
  4. Labs which are involved in long duration research work can use these incubators for storage of gametes
  5. IVF and reproductive labs can use Yatherm CO2 incubators for storage of embryos in a controlled environment.
  6. Labs which are involved in botanical, marine and plant based studies use this machine for amphibian cell cultures and controlled growing of exotc plants.
  7. Many modern biotechnology labs are using these machines for the cultivation of transgenic and hypersensitive cells.
  8. There are a number of medical research and education institutions which are using these machines for tissue culture activities including practical application in regeneration of autologous tissue.

There are a number of features in these CO2 incubator machines which make them highly suitable for above mentioned applications. Most common of these include:


  1. These machines are equipped with dual wave infrared sensors which act as a great mode of monitoring and control of temperature, even in dark or extremely low light environments.
  2. In order to control the risk of any contamination and germs being spread or causing any culture contamination, the machines are made of stainless steel with the interior of machines being made using an alloy of copper and stainless steel.
  3. Excellent grade sensors are fixed in the machine to ensure that control of carbon dioxide, humidity and temperature levels. These sensors are very precise and sensitive and can be used for very advanced studies and experiments.
  4. These incubators are used for dual sterilization cycles, At first the humidified sterilization takes place at 95 degrees centigrade and then dry sterilization takes place at 145 degrees centigrade. These machines are also able to perform single stage sterilization.
  5. The incubators are equipped with CO2 sensors and control valves which ensure that operators can control CO2 levels with minimal user input and to very precise pressure and concentration levels.
  6. These machines are equipped with HEPA filters to prevent the samples from any risk of contamination from any airborne particles or pollutants.
  7. The incubator is designed in such a manner that internal airflow within the machine is very smooth and does not disturb the cell culture being incubated in it.

These CO2 incubators are designed to be as user friendly as possible.

For any enquiry related to any laboratory instruments, feel free to contact us:

Call:  +91 72920 55144

Mail: info@yatherm.com

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