Bio-Medical Waste Incinerator/Napkin Incinerator/Face Mask Incinerator/Electrical Incinerator Manufacturer / Office Waste Incinerator/ Carcasses Burning Incinerators 

The biomedical waste incinerator is designed for medical hospitals, Girls’ colleges, Universities & laboratories. Yatherm Incinerators are electrical incinerator that works on the principle of controlled electrical heating. We are manufacturing an electrical incinerator for municipal waste disposal by burning at a set temperature. Municipal waste produces lots of smog when it burns at a certain temperature, we have to fix 30 30-meter chimneys with our electrical incinerator as per CPCB Norms. The central pollution control board advises each user of the incinerator to fix up to 100 feet of chimneys from the ground. Biomedical waste incinerators & napkin incinerators are electrical incinerators suitable for apartments, offices & Small hospitals.


  • Biomedical Waste disposal
  • Biohazard Waste disposal
  • Chemical waste disposal
  • Medical Waste Incinerator
  • Caracas incineration
  • Apartment & Office Waste
  • Military waste disposal
  • Pharmaceutical Waste
  • Marine Incinerators
  • Incinerator for paper wastage
  • Poultry waste incinerator

Our incinerators are designed in such a way in small power consumption a high rate of combustion is produced.  We have a wide range of electrical incinerators starting from 2 kg per hour to 100 kg per hour. Yatherm Incinerators are equipped with a dual chamber, dual on/off switches, dual PID controller, dual fan, An SS tray, 5 ft chimney & lockable castor wheels. This type of compact and low-consumption incinerator is very suitable for girls’ hostels and girls’ colleges for napkin incineration. Our incinerator complies with all international & National standards with pollution controlling guidelines like the height of the chimney must be at the height of 30 meters from the ground. Our innovations & quality make us popular among the users of the machine.


  • Electric operation
  • CE certified
  • 99 % combustion
  • Fast heating
  • Suitable for Caracas burning
  • High quality
  • Dual-chamber
  • Dual controlling unit
  • Rapid cool down
  • ISO Certified
  • Castor Wheels
  • High Temperature



Product Incinerator
Temperature Range Up to 1150°C or as required
Burning Capacity 2 to 200 Kg/hr.
Feed Capacity Up to 200 Kg
Burning Efficiency 98%
Power Electric burning
Chamber Dual-chamber
Body construction GI powder coated
Size 4 liters to 150 liters
Safety Alarm Audio & visual alarm
Emergency vent Yes
Ash collection tray Yes
Air Pollution Control Device NO
Certifications CE and ISO

The dual-chamber incinerator is designed for the complete combustion of solid biomedical waste. The primary chamber is situated at the bottom whereas the secondary chamber is directly connected with the primary chamber at the top of the chamber. The primary chamber is designed for the combustion of waste whereas the secondary chamber is used to burn the smoke and ash content of the waste. Both the chamber together provides complete combustion of the waste. After the combustion of waste, there should be a transfer of smoke from the primary chamber to a secondary chamber within 2 seconds for complete combustion. Yatherm offers compact and ready-to-use incinerators at the best price in India. For any kind of techno-commercial discussion drop us a mail 24 x 7.

Standard Dimensions:

Model Number Dimension of Chamber Burning Capacity
BMW – 5K 8 x 8 x 12 Inches  5 Kg
BMW – 10K 12 x 12 x 12 Inches 10 Kg
BMW – 20K 12 x 12 x 15 Inches 15 Kg
BMW – 25K 12 x 12 x 18 Inches 20 Kg
BMW – 30K 12 x 12 x 24 Inches 30 Kg

We also provide customized sizes with customized temperature ranges according to the needs of the customer. Yatherm offers a PID controller, PLC with a real-time printer, and Dataloggers for Monitoring purposes. We offer Bio-Medical Waste Incinerator at the best price in India, Nepal, Europe, Middle East Africa & Europe.


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