COD Analyzer/COD Measurement Instrument/COD Meter/ COD Tester/ COD Multi-Parameter/Ammonia tester/ Phosphorus Tester /Nitrogen tester

COD Meter is designed for analysis of Chemical oxygen demand for underground water, surface water, Industrial & wastewater. This Instrument is all in one Yatherm New model for measuring multi parameters in water quality detection like COD, Ammonia, Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen & permanganate. Multi-parameter Water Quality detection meter is a new detection meter which is manufacture & promoted by Yatherm Scientific. Rapid digestion spectrophotometry, Nexler’s reagent spectrophotometry & molybdic acid spectrophotometry were used to test the concentration of COD, Ammonia, Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus & permanganate in the Water.  Yatherm Scientific delivers the best quality COD tester at the best price in INDIA. COD meter is known with many names like COD analyzer, COD tester, COD meter & Water Quality detection meter.

Water Plants Sewage Treatment Plant Rivers & lake water quality monitoring stations Water treatment engineering
Agriculture Chemicals Metallurgy Pharmaceuticals
Laboratory research & testing Effluent Treatment Plant Forging Dying
COD Analyzer Specification
Model Number YH – C1 YH – C2 YH – C3 YH – C5 YH – P35 YH – D651
Test Item COD COD,

Ammonia Nitrogen

COD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Total phosphorus COD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Total phosphorus

Total Nitrogen

Total phosphorus Total Nitrogen
Measuring Range

(in Subsection)



COD: 0-15000

Ammonia Nitrogen


COD 0-15000

Ammonia Nitrogen 0.00-50.00

Total Phosphorus


COD 0-15000

Ammonia Nitrogen 0.00-30.00

Total Phosphorus


Total nitrogen 0.00-25.0



0.00-20.00mg/L 0.00-25.00mg/L
WaveLength 0-150mg/L : 450nm















610nm Blue Light


method Spectrophotometer
Precision +/- 5%
Light Source Silicon Diode
Operating conditions Temperature 0-50° C, RH to 80%
Life Of battery More than 30 hours
Size 90mm x 70mm x 125mm
Weight 280g including battery

COD reactor

YC 200 COD reactor is researched & produced by Yatherm Scientific which is a kind of laboratory instrument used together with Chemical Oxygen demand detection meter, It is widely used in fields of sewage plant, Electroplating, Coal Carbonization, papermaking, petrochemical, Pelage, process hides, Pharmacy & Food processing when the reactor is requested COD detection.

COD reactor used in testing chemical oxygen Demand of organic compounds found in the water of lakes, ponds & rivers. It can be easily measured in many units like mg/L, ppm(parts per million), ppb (parts per billion) which explains the consumption of oxygen in the water.

  1. Compact Structure.
  2. 4 samples at a time.
  3. The reactor can set the heating temperature between 20-180°C, & contains a thermal fuse that prevents overheating.
  4. The Reactor using sealed with a micro return line for reacting without condensed water.
  5. The reactor can set the heating period between 0-120 mins, and turning off the heating element automatically with warming beep.
  6. The reactor equips a transparent plastic protection shield to protect the operator, and each tube is subjected by pressuring and heating tests.

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