USP/IP Melting & Boiling Point Apparatus

Yatherm is known as a Pharmaceutical instrument Manufacturer in India with a variety of categories used in a research laboratory. Yatherm offers USP/IP compliance Melting point apparatus with all validation documents like IQ/PQ/DQ to our pharmaceutical customers. As the name suggests this pharmaceutical instrument is designed for the determination of the accurate melting point of solid samples with precise & controlled accuracy.

Yatherm Models comes in TFT screen with a high-quality camera for testing the range of boiling and melting points of solid samples in powder form. Yatherm Boiling Point Apparatus is equipped with a Silicon Oil bath, Capillaries holders, an inbuilt magnetic stirrer, a pilot lamp, a magnifier, a Temperature selection point & glare free illuminator. Start & Stop switches are used for testing the sample melting point. Our pharmaceutical instruments are rugged in construction for long-life usage with a user-friendly controller.


Melting/Boiling Point Apparatus Construction:

Silicon Oil bath – This Instrument is equipped with a 200 ml capacity cylindrical Oil bath that has an ISI mark U-type heater for uniform heating in the bath & Teflon cover with five holes in it. We use Silicon Oil as heating media in this instrument for testing melting and boiling points.

Capillary – This instrument is equipped with three holes for an arrangement of holding 100 mm long capillary for testing the samples in testing heating media.

LED Display – This unit comes with 4 digits & 3 Digit has 7 segments display

TFT screen – USP/IP compliance Boiling Point apparatus equipped with a High-resolution camera for a view of the capillary.

Magnetic Stirrer – Yatherm Offers a magnetic stirrer with an on/off and speeds control manual knob for uniform temperature.

Boiling Point Glass Tube – 6 mm (diameter) x 75 mm (long )glass tube comes for testing the boiling point of samples.

Digital temperature Indicator –  Pt 100 sensor helps in indicating the temperature range digitally


TFT screen with Camera 4/3 digit 7 segments LED Display
Digital Readout for temperature 0.1°C Silicon Oil Bath
Inbuilt Magnetic Stirrer Simple operation fast process
User-Friendly Accurate Results
Silicon Oil bath IQ/OQ/DQ Validation Documents
Melting Point Apparatus Specifications
Model Carbon 935 Carbon  934
Measuring Boiling point & Melting Point Melting point & Boiling Point
Construction  MS powder coated MS powder coated
Temperature range RT +2°C – 300°C RT +2°C – 300°C
Resolution 0.1°C 1°C
Display 4 Digits, 7-Segment LED AlphaNumeric 3 Digits, 7-Segment LED AlphaNumeric
Capillary Length: 100 mm
Dia.: 0.8 – 1.1mm
Length: 100 mm
Dia.: 0.8 – 1.1mm
Boiling Point Glass Tubes Length: 75-80 mm Length: 75-80  mm
Heating Media Silicon oil Silicon oil
Power 230 V ± 10%, 50 Hz. AC 230 V ± 10%, 50 Hz. AC
Weight 12 kg
Accessories Capillaries, Boiling Point Tubes, Thermometer
Silicon Oil, Magnetic Capsule, Beaker with Teflon Cover

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