9 trays, 16 trays, 24 trays, 48 trays & 98 trays – Tray drying cabinet

The main users of tray drying oven or tray dryer are labs, chemical industries, food industries, spices industries etc. to clear out the humidity from the products in their final form.

As can be known from the name itself, trays are an extremely essential part of these machines, specimens are kept in the trays, and after being in the cart, these specimens are dried under a high-temperature chamber which has various temperatures like 100°C, 160°C, 250°C, etc. under the existence of airflow.

What is a Tray Dryer?

This machine name itself explains everything about the product. A tray dryer is an equipment used in industries for drying material & ingredients. A closed chamber with SS trays, circulatory fans, Insulated doors & fin-type air heater controlled by a PID controller makes a complete unit of drying. Tray dryers remove moisture content from the material kept on the SS trays without changing the properties of the material.

Why Do You Need a Tray Dryer?

  • Less Wastage
  • Low energy cost
  • Increased in production
  • Compact size
  • Easy Installation & movability
  • Advance technology



What Are the Advantages of Using Tray Dryers?

Easy to Use – This is the easy-to-use equipment in operations & maintenance.

The user has to load the material in the trays and upload it on the trolley, after that close the doors and set the temperature range in the controller.

Large material Load – In comparison to the drying equipment tray dryer can dry large batch sizes in one lot.

No Reactions – In the pharmaceutical industry many products dry at a single time and a tray dryer doesn’t allow any chemical reaction.

Less Power Consumption – Tray dryers dry large-size batches economically in terms of electrical or fuel consumption.

Low Labour Cost – A single person can produce thousands of Kg of dry material in a day without the help of more people.

These are not the only benefits of using the tray dryer, There are many more!

Buy the Cost-effective Tray Dryer :

Yatherm Scientific is one of the top manufacturers in India when it comes to manufacturing and supplying tray dryers. We manufacture electric tray drying ovens for Industries to use and for the food and spices production companies who use the machines for processing and making the leaves etc to dry. There are a few different types of tray dryers available in our stock, which have tray capacities of 12, 24, 48, 96 and this goes for 200.

Best quality custom-made tray dryers are available:

To make the drying cost and duration less; we make sure that the suitable air speed in between the trays exists and also the space between the trays is even. We will also build larger sizes depending on the demands of our customers, which are in really good demand in India.

The regular tray dryers we made are manufactured and installed with stainless steel trays (pierced or non-pierced) inside them. These are confined with ceramic wool for the reduction of loss of heat and fixed with motor blowers and mechanisms to control the temperature.

Specifications and Advantages:

  • It is proficient in energy consumption
  • The uniformity of gaps between the trays is maintained
  • The efficiency of airspeed is well circulated between the trays of the tray dryer
  • Airflow alignment with axial flow ventilation is perfect
  • We provide exterior resistant to corrosion
  • Drying time is very less with our machines
  • Trays are made of stainless steel
  • Total protection from overheating
  • Very less maintenance



  • Minerals Industry
  • Pharmaceuticals Industry
  • Chemicals Industry
  • Grains Industry
  • Seasoning Industry
  • Food additives Industry


Model DRYER – 1 DRYER – 2 DRYER – 4 DRYER – 6
Evaporation area(m2) 7.1 14.1 28.3 42.4
Working volume(m3) 1.3 2.6 4.9 7.4
Capacity(kg/bath) 60 120 240 360
Heating areas(m2) 15 23 48 72
Electric heating power (kw) 9 15 30 45
Blower power (kw) 0.45×1 0.45×1 0.45×2 0.45×3
Baking cart (set) 1 2 4 6
Tray(piece) 24 48 96 144
Overall size(mm) 1380×1200×2000 2360×1200×2000 2260×2200×2000 3240×2200×2000
Weight(kg) 800 1500 1800 2200


Technical Features of Our Product:

Number of inbuilt trays 6 12 24 48 96


Size of the tray 16″ (L) x 32″ (W) x 1.25″ (H)
Tray Moc SS304 / SS316 / SS316L
Built from the inside SS304 / SS316 / SS316L
Build from the outside Coated with powder MS / SS304 / SS316 / SS316L
Padding Glass wool padding inbuilt
Airflow Blower which works with motor
Range of temperature 50°C to 200°C, 250°C and 300°C
Temperature regulator ●     PID temperature modulator

●     SV and PV visibility

Temperature detector PT- 100
Heater Air heaters in the shape of U
Protection Thermostat to prevent overheating inside the machine
Electricity 220V / 440 V, 50/60 Hz
Alternative ●     The carrying trolley comprised of wheels

●     Digital system for timer

●     RS232 computer interface

● PLC-based HMI regulator

Special note: we will make the larger size or heavier machines based on demand

What Are the Parts of a Tray Dryer?

The tray dryer is made up of ninety percent of steel and ten percent includes spare parts. Find below the parts of a tray dryer.

  • SS 304 railing for loading the trolley
  • Heating Element
  • SS 304 Trays
  • Double Wall construction
  • Insulation between the walls
  • Castor wheels
  • Microprocessor-based PID controller
  • Circulatory Fan for even distribution of heat


Tray Dryer Manufacturer You  Should Trust?

  • Indian Manufacturers are known for their quality, timely delivery, and best price. Demand for tray dryers is increasing day by day due to low cost and large industrial production.
  • Yatherm Scientific is very focused on delivering standard products with the best prices in Indian markets.
  • Yatherm Scientific has a Research and development team that continuously focuses on the improvement of the product.
  • We are always open to all kinds of challenges in terms of dimensions, temperature, design, and the working of a tray dryer.
  • We are always there, wherever you want our support in the world.
  • Yatherm Manufactures all products related to grinding, cleaning, mixing & drying in the field of Research and development.
  • We always perform FAT (factory Acceptance Test), in-house calibration, and validation of all the equipment before dispatch.


Yatherm Scientific is a leading brand, with a great reputation for providing the best quality technical products for various industries like medical, colleges or research centers, labs, etc. Our advanced products with the latest technology are available for you and you can make the best for your company or laboratory etc with our products. So contact us now and get the best deal.


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