The Napkin Incinerator is a portable and electrical incinerator for napkins, Infectious and medical waste that has been used effectively in place to dispose of hazardous waste during viral outbreaks such as Ebola and COVID-19. Napkin Incinerator reaches temperatures of up to 1400°C and is capable of destroying napkins and healthcare waste for laboratories, small clinics, and hospitals. It can address the immediate need for waste disposal and public health protection where there is no access to more sophisticated technologies.

Napkin Incinerator is also known as a waste treatment solution, heat incineration is especially recommended for laboratories, small clinics, hospitals, and organizations involved with waste management from healthcare services, high toxicity waste, controlled products, pesticides, and other materials that require totally safe, technical and professional.

The napkin incinerator is a solution for infectious waste treatment safe, modern, profitable, and sustainable for laboratories, small clinics and hospitals. Infectious waste is waste suspected of containing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi in quantities large enough to cause disease in susceptible hosts. Waste contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids includes free-flowing blood, blood components, and other bodily fluids; bandages, napkin, cotton swabs, gloves, masks, aprons, curtains, and other materials contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids; and waste products that have come into contact with the blood of hemodialysis patients (eg, dialysis equipment such as tubes and filters, disposable towels, gowns, gowns, gloves, and lab coats).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO): “The advantages of providing each healthcare facility with an on-site treatment facility include convenience and minimization of risks to public health and the environment by confining hazardous/infectious healthcare waste to health care facilities.”

Napkin Incinerator can be used in conjunction with other disposal methods to set up on-site treatment facilities for clinics and hospitals that help minimize risk and material handling. It is available in different sizes and easy-to-use electronic controls to improve security and system control, and requires minimal training.

Incineration reduces organic and combustible waste to inorganic, non-combustible matter and significantly reduces the volume and weight of waste. Incineration temperatures range up to 1400°C. Incinerators can range from extremely sophisticated, high-temperature power plants to small basic units. Many types of healthcare services create waste that can be hazardous to health. Eliminating these health residues safely can reduce potential risks to people. Many countries are becoming more aware of the potential harm from napkins and healthcare waste. Managers and medical staff are expected to take more responsibility for the waste they produce. Incorrect handling and disposal of infectious waste are now recognized as a source of preventable infection and environmental impact.

Napkin and healthcare waste must be treated in a way that minimizes its effects on health and the environment. Treatment can be done on-site with a napkin and medical waste incinerator that meets the temperatures recommended by organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization) for disposing of infectious waste. When treating these materials on site, the incinerator must be carefully selected based on characteristics, capacity and technology requirements, environmental and safety factors, and cost.

• Temperature Range: Up to 1100°C
• Burning Capacity: 2 to 200 Kg/hr.
• Feed Capacity: Up to 200 Kg
• Burning Efficiency: 99%
• Power: Electric burning
• Chamber: Dual-chamber
• Body construction: GI powder coated/SS 304 Optional
• Size: 4 liters to 150 liters
• Safety Alarm: Audio & visual alarm
• Emergency vent: Yes
• Ash collection tray: Yes
• Certifications: CE and ISO

If you have any questions or doubts about Napkin Incinerator and how it works? Get in touch and talk to one of our expert teams. Contact us for our expert’s help!

Yatherm Scientific is the leading and most trusted firm in India, we provide EC & ISO certified, high quality, and fast heating Napkin Incinerator with 99 % combustion at the best prices and providing technical detailed information, demonstrations and quotations, so you can make the best possible decision.


Model Number Dimension of Chamber Burning Capacity
NIYS – 20 4 x 4 x 9 Inches 20 Napkins Per day
NIYS – 30 5 x 5 x 10 Inches 30 Napkins Per day
NIYS – 40 6 x 6 x 12 Inches 40 Napkins Per day
NIYS – 50 8 x 8 x 12 Inches 50 Napkins Per day
NIYS – 100 12 x 12 x 12 Inches 100 Napkins Per day

We are known for customization and quality, We can design the size and temperature range according to the need of the user. For detailed information and pricing call Yatherm Scientific or mail us at

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